Try Cricket for free
Jose R.
tryCricket app user
We believe you'll love our service as much as our customers which is why we give you the opportunity to try Cricket for free.
Jose is a real customer, paid for his testimonial.
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Jose R.
tryCricket app user
We believe you'll love our service as much as our customers which is why we give you the opportunity to try Cricket for free.
Jose is a real customer, paid for his testimonial.
Michele V.
Wichita, KS
It’s our business to provide reliable nationwide 5G to our customers. That’s why we’re so proud when entrepreneurs like Michele trust us with theirs.
Michelle is a real customer, paid for her testimonial.
Stone P.
Orlando, FL
The grass really is greener on Cricket, according to Stone, the farm manager from Florida. We also throw in a free 5G phone to make the switch worth your while.
Stone is a real customer, paid for his testimonial.
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